Monday, February 21, 2011

My first post.

Well it's day 1 today and since it's 2:00 am im gonna act as if it were just the end of yesterday. A friend of mine came over and we discussed the prototyping of a few things, I will be keeping these things as up to date a possible. The list of things that we will be working on here soon are; a hovercraft, a small mech prototype (this mech will be approx. 2 foot tall and will use external power), we will also be prototyping an immersion system for the mech's final stage of development. I also have a obsession with the game minecraft, as such I shall post "achievements" from time to time.


  1. Everyone has to have at least one.

  2. Take a look at ionic crafts. They use extremely high voltage, low amperage electricity to generate ions in the air, which in turn produces lift via wind.
